The Coast Guard's first major participation in the Pacific war was at
Guadalcanal. Here the service played a large part in the landings on the
islands. So critical was their task that they were later involved in
every major amphibious campaign during World War II. During the war, the
Coast Guard manned over 350 ships and hundreds more amphibious type
assault craft. It was in these ships and craft that the Coast Guard
fulfilled one of its most important but least glamorous roles during the
war--that is getting the men to the beaches. The initial landings were
made on Guadalcanal in August 1942, and this hard-fought campaign lasted
for nearly six months. Seven weeks after the initial landings, during a
small engagement near the Matanikau River, Signalman First Class Douglas
Albert Munro died while rescuing a group of marines near the Matanikau
River. Posthumously awarded a Medal of Honor, he lived up to the Coast
Guard's motto--"Semper Paratus."
Douglas Munro grew up in the small town of Cle Elum, Washington.
Enlisting in September 1939, Munro volunteered for duty on board the
USCG cutter Spencer where he served until 1941. While on board he earned
his Signalman 3rd Class rating. In June, President Roosevelt directed
the Coast Guard to man four large transports and serve in mixed crews on
board twenty-two naval ships. When word arrived that these ships needed
signalmen, Munro, after much pleading with Spencer's executive officer,
was given permission to transfer to the Hunter Liggett (APA-14). This
535 foot, 13,712 ton ship, was one of the largest transports in the
Pacific. She carried nearly 700 officers and men and thirty-five landing
boats including two LCTs. In April 1942, the "Lucky Liggett" sailed to
Wellington, New Zealand, to prepare for a major campaign in the south
On 7 August 1942, the United States embarked on its first major
amphibious assault of the Pacific War. After the successes at Coral Sea
and Midway the United States decided to counter Japanese advances in the
Solomon Islands. These islands form two parallel lines that run
southeast approximately 600 miles east of New Guinea. Tulagi and
Guadalcanal, both at the end of the chain were picked for an assault.
Guadalcanal was strategically important because the Japanese were
building an airfield, and if finished would interfere with the campaign.
Eighteen of the twenty-two naval troop carrying ships attached to the
campaign's task force carried Coast Guard personnel. These men were
assigned an integral part in the landings--the operation of the landing
craft. Many of the Coast Guard coxswains had come from Life-Saving
stations and their experience with small boats made them the most
seasoned small boat handlers in government service.
The Coast Guard manned transports played a prominent role in the initial
landings at Guadalcanal, Tulagi and other nearby islands. As the task
force gathered, Munro, now a signalman first-class, was assigned to
temporary duty on the staff of Commander, Transport Division Seventeen.
During the preparations for the invasion, Munro was transferred from
ship to ship, as his talents were needed. The task force rendezvoused at
sea near the end of July and on 7 August the Liggett led the other
transports to their anchorage off Guadalcanal. Hunter Liggett served as
the amphibious force command post until the Marines secured the beaches.
At he time of the invasion, Munro was attached to the staff of Rear
Admiral Richmond Kelly Turner on board McCawley (APA-4). Munro made the
landing on Tulagi Island where fierce fighting lasted for several days.
About two weeks later Munro was sent twenty miles across the channel to
Guadalcanal where the Marines had landed and had driven inland. One of
the bloodiest and most decisive battles ensued. The Americans quickly
seized the airfield on the island but for six months both the U.S. and
the Japanese poured troops onto Guadalcanal in an attempt to gain
control and force the other off.
After the initial landings at Guadalcanal, Munro and twenty-four other
Coast Guard and Navy personnel were assigned to Lunga Point Base. The
base was commanded by Commander Dwight H. Dexter, USCG, who was in
charge of all the small boat operations on Guadalcanal. The base,
situated on the Lever Brothers coconut plantation consisted of a small
house with a newly constructed coconut tree signal tower. Munro was
assigned here because of his signalman rate. The base served as the
staging area for troop movements along the coast. To facilitate this
movement, a pool of landing craft from the numerous transports lay there
to expedite the transportation of supplies and men.
A month into the campaign, the Marines on the island were reinforced and
decided to push beyond their defensive perimeter. They planned to
advance west across the Matanikau River to prevent smaller Japanese
units from combining and striking American positions in overwhelming
numbers. For several days near the end of September, the Marines tried
to cross the river from the east and each time met tremendous
resistance. On Sunday, 27 September, Marine Lieutenant Colonel Lewis B.
"Chesty" Puller embarked three companies of his 7th Marines in landing
craft. They planned to land west of the river, drive out the Japanese,
and establish a patrol base on the west side of the Matanikau.
The landing craft were dispatched from Lunga Base. Douglas Munro, just
two weeks short of his twenty-third birthday, took charge of ten LCPs
and LCTs (tank lighters) to transport Puller's men from Lunga Point to a
small cove west of Point Cruz. The Marines landed with the support of
the destroyer U.S.S. Monssen which laid down a covering barrage with her
five inch batteries shortly after twelve o'clock. Major Ortho L.
Rodgers, commanding the landing party reached the beach in two waves at
1:00. The 500 unopposed Marines pushed inland and reorganized on a ridge
about 500 yards from the beach. At about 1:50, approximately the same
time they reached the ridge, their gunfire support was disrupted by a
Japanese bombing raid. Monssen had to withdraw to avoid seventeen high
level Japanese bombers. Unfortunately, this occurred at the same time
that the Marines were struck by an overwhelming Japanese force west of
the river. This situation deteriorated when Major Rodgers was killed and
one of the company commanders was wounded.
After the Marines landed,
Munro and the boats returned to Lunga Point Base. A single LCP remained
behind to take off the immediate wounded. Coast Guard petty officer Ray
Evans and Navy Coxswain Samuel B. Roberts manned the craft. They kept
the craft extremely close to the beach to take off the wounded as
quickly as possible. The Japanese, meanwhile had worked behind the
Marines and without warning a machine gun burst hit the LCP parting the
rudder cable and damaging the boat's controls. After jury rigging the
rudder, Roberts was struck by enemy fire and Evans managed to jam the
controls to full ahead and sped back to Lunga Point Base. Unable to
stop, the LCP ran onto the beach at 20 mph. Roberts later died but won
the Navy Cross posthumously.
As Evans arrived at the Lunga Point base, word arrived that the Marines
were in trouble and were being driven back toward the beach. Their
immediate plight had not been known. The bombing raid had driven Monssen
out of range to visually communicate with shore. Furthermore, the three
companies of Marines had failed to take a radio and were unable to
convey their predicament. Using under-shirts they spelled out the word
"HELP" on a ridge not far from the beach. Second Lieutenant Dale Leslie
in a Douglas SBD spotted the message and passed it by radio to another
Marine unit. At 4 P.M. Lt. Colonel Puller, realizing that his men were
isolated, embarked on Monssen to direct personally the covering fire for
the marines who were desperately trying to reach the beach.
The landing craft had meanwhile been readied at Lunga Point Base. Again,
virtually the same boats that had put the Marines on the beach were
assembled to extract them. Douglas Munro, who had taken charge of the
original landing, volunteered to lead the boats back to the beach. None
of these boats were heavily armed or well protected. For instance,
Munro's Higgin's boat had a plywood hull, it was slow, vulnerable to
small arms fire, and was armed only with two air-cooled .30 caliber
Lewis machine guns.
As Munro led the boats ashore the Japanese fired on the small craft from
Point Cruz, the ridges abandoned by the Marines, and from positions east
of the beach. This intense fire from three strong interlocking positions
disrupted the landing and caused a number of casualties among the
virtually defenseless crews in the boats. Despite the intense fire Munro
led the boats ashore. Reaching the shore in waves, Munro led them to the
beach two or three at a time to pick up the Marines. Munro and Petty
Officer Raymond Evans provided covering fire from an exposed position on
the beach.
As the Marines reembarked, the Japanese pressed toward the beach making
the withdrawal more dangerous with each second. The Monssen and Leslie's
Douglas "Dauntless" dive bomber provided additional cover for the
withdrawing Marines. The Marines arrived on the beach to embark on the
landing craft while the Japanese kept up a murderous fire from the
ridges about 500 yards from the beach. Munro, seeing the dangerous
situation, maneuvered his boat between the enemy and those withdrawing
to protect the remnants of the battalion. Successfully providing cover,
all the Marines including twenty-five wounded managed to escape.
With all the Marines safely in the small craft, Munro and Evans steered
their LCP off shore. As they passed towards Point Cruz they noticed an
LCT full of Marines grounded on the beach. Munro steered his craft and
directed another tank lighter to pull it off. Twenty minutes later, the
craft was free and heading to sea. Before they could get far from shore,
the Japanese set up a machine gun and began firing at the boats. Evans
saw the fire and shouted a warning to Munro. The roar of the boat's
engine, however, prevented Munro from hearing and a single bullet hit
him in the base of the skull. Petty Officer Munro died before reaching
the operating base, but due to his extraordinary heroism, outstanding
leadership and gallantry, Munro posthumously received the Medal of