The Gunboat Essex
By C. E. Lester
Harper’s New Monthly
Magazine, February 1863
Among the strange and startling incidents which will
hereafter clothe this war with the lights and shadows of romance, the gallant
little Essex and her achievements in
the Western waters will always find a prominent place. A certain curious feeling
is inspired by the name of a ship that has “done and suffered great things,”
different from the feeling with which we look on or read about any other work of
human hands. Every timber in “the old Constitution” was sacred. Each plank in her oak-ribbed sides
uttered a voice which has come down to us from the far-off waves, and which will
be transmitted to the latest hour of time. When Nelson fell upon the deck of the
Victory, that proud palace of the
British Navy became a shrine where valor could worship forever. The Monitor, the Cumberland, and the Essex
have already taken their places in history. The career of the Essex, however, being far less familiar
to most readers, we shall offer some account of her deeds, and the heroic
conduct of her commander and crew.
The name of Porter has for sixty years been known
wherever the ensign of the republic has floated. Nearly every vessel in our
older fleets has felt the tread of a Porter on her deck. Commodore William D.
had been in the naval service of the United States thirty-eight years when the
rebellion broke out. Born in New Orleans—a son of Commodore David
Porter—educated and domiciled in Pennsylvania, and ever after rocked on the
sea, he was (September 27, 1861) ordered to the Western Department, to take
command of the gunboat Essex, under
Commodore Foote, to operate on the Mississippi.[2]
When the Essex
was bought by the government she was a St. Louis ferry-boat, plying on the river
of that city.[3] How she was made into a
gun-boat, capable of such enormous power of resistance and attack, will best
appear from Commodore Porter’s own words, which are sufficiently amusing. He
The commander-in-chief (flag officer A. H. Foote) gave
me only eighteen days to get her together. So in that time I had her off the
docks, and in three days was steaming down the Mississippi River. Of course
there was much to be done in that time, and no place to do it. I therefore set
up on my own hook; seized three large coal scows, and converted them into a
locomotive navy yard. Of one I made a blacksmith’s shop and iron-working
establishment in general. Another
is my boat shed and carpenter’s establishment; and another my coal depot. When
I move upstream I tow them all with me; if down stream, they follow. I sometimes
go into action fighting at one end, while carpenters, caulkers, blacksmiths, and
painters are working at the other. You see, therefore, that the Essex has been built about in spots. I have my crew divided off into
gangs—wood-choppers, coalmen, carpenters, caulkers, etc.—and we are a
perfect workshop in ourselves.[4]
As the Essex
was originally built her tonnage was, and still is, about 500 tons.[5]
She fought the first naval battle on the Mississippi at Lucas’s Bend,[6]
in which she whipped three of the hostile gun-boats that were on their way to
attack Cairo, and drove them under the batteries of Columbus, with considerable
damage. Her bow alone was iron-clad at that time, but all hands on board were
making the spiteful little craft stronger every hour; and she acted all through
her perilous crusade as if conscious that she carried officers and men worthy to
sail her.
Her armament, though not large, was powerful and
admirably chosen. She had three 9-inch Dahlgren shell guns, on 10-inch ditto,
two 50-pound rifled Dahlgrens, one long 32-pounder, and one 24-pound boat
howitzer. Her management, however, added a hundred-fold to her strength when she
started down the river; and there was a cool but desperate determination on the
part of the officers and men that she should sweep the Mississippi to New
Orleans, or send her last plank floating into the Gulf.
Having driven Miller, the commander of the rebel
gun-boat Grampus, back at least half a
dozen times, Porter—who likes fair play and an open field—sent him a
challenge to come out and meet him. The challenge was accepted, on paper; but
the Confederate commander took good care not to make his appearance; and the Essex went to Paducah, whence she steamed
up the Tennessee, on the 3d of February, upon the memorable expedition against
Fort Henry, accompanied by the gun-boats Saint Louis and. The Essex
opened fire on the fort at a distance of a mile and a half, which was returned
heavily; a 24-pound rifled cannon was brought to bear on the Essex, which held herself steady at her
working post. The first rifled shot struck close; the second grazed the ship;
the third went straight through Porter’s cabin, on the poop-deck. Warm work
was coming. Meantime the Carondelet
had transferred the troops from Pine Bluffs to the shore of the river, where the
fleet lay. It was a moment for counsel and vigorous preparation.
It was a splendid night, and our camp-fires were all
burning, for there was no necessity for concealment or ruse de guerre now. For more than a mile each little fire blazed out
on the cool night sky, all illuminated by the moon-tide of silver light pouring
its waves over camps of friend and foe alike, and tingeing the lines of our
gun-boat fleet.
Orders had been received from flag-officer Foote to be
ready for action on the morning of the 6th. At the time appointed,
and 1000 yards from the fort, Foote’s flag-ship, the Cincinnati, with the Essex
by her side, opened fire simultaneously, planting their shot and shell with
splendid precision. The engagement had been carried on for about half an hour,
the Essex having dismounted five of
the enemy’s guns during that time, and continued her advance slowly toward the
fort—to which her close proximity, although the post of honor, proved also the
post of danger—when a round 32-pounder shot from the fort entered her
bow-port, passed intone of her boilers, scalding, by the sudden escapement of
steam, Porter and thirty-two of his brave men.[7]
Porter was blown senseless on the deck, and remained
utterly unconscious until, in falling out one of the ports, some of the crew
picked him up. Many even of the scalded men in a few minutes returned to their
guns, and, with flesh actually dropping and peeling from their limbs, continued
the action until the fort surrendered. One poor fellow, dreadfully scalded, who
had continued at his post, on hearing of the surrender, ran on the deck,
cheered, and fell dead: excitement had stimulated until victory was won. The
action was hot, though it lasted but an hour, during which period,
notwithstanding the destruction of her boiler and consequent temporary
confusion, the Essex had fired
seventy-five rounds from two forward 9-inch guns alone.
The next day the Essex
dropped down the Tennessee and the Ohio Rivers to Cairo, carrying the news of
the victory. On arrival there the steamer John
Ives came alongside and took away the brave fellows who had died or become
disabled on the vessel. In passing the fleet at Cairo all flags were at
half-mast. On the 15th flag-officer Foote came to Cairo from the Fort
Donelson victory: He was, he thought, only slightly wounded in the foot; but
that gallant officer knew little what he was to suffer in consequence of that
slight wound, much less how deeply he was to have the cup of domestic
bereavement pressed to his lips.
Now came also a weary period of suffering for the
gallant commander of the Essex.
Porter’s wounds were far more severe than was at first anticipated. For weeks
he was deprived of sight, and at one period fears were entertained that the loss
would be permanent. Kindness, care, and the devoted attention of valued friends,
added to a good constitution, eventually triumphed; and health and strength were
again restored to enable him more earnestly than ever to devote himself to his
country in her time of trial.
The Essex, up
to this period, had been only a partially iron-clad boat. The damage sustained
at Fort Henry had been serious, and required extensive repair; and for that
purpose she was ordered to St. Louis, Porter, although blind, remaining on her,
desirous, though unable to see, yet to mentally direct her being prepared for a
grander and harder struggle. Her reconstruction, it may be called, was ably and
energetically carried on by that gallant and competent officer, Mr. R. K. Riley,
at that time executive officer of the Essex.[8]
Though unable, in consequence of wounds received
himself, and repairs necessary for his vessel, to participate in the naval
operations on the Mississippi through the months of March, April, May, and June,
1862, yet, during this period, Porter’s active mind could not be kept passive.
Besides the thoughtful supervision necessary for the reconstruction of the Essex, he designed and commenced building
for the War Department, two gun-boats, the Fort Henry and Choctaw, which, had his original designs
been followed after his leaving St. Louis, would unquestionably have proved the
most formidable vessels on the Western waters. Much is it to be regretted that
any deviation from his plans should have been allowed, as from the peculiarity
of their intended construction, and defensive as offensive power, those ships
would be more effective to open the navigation of the Mississippi than the
balance of our iron-clad navy on that river.
On the 27th June the Essex was considered ready for service, and made her trial trip,
which was perfectly satisfactory. True it was that minor details were required
for defense, but Vicksburg was then being attacked by Admiral Farragut’s
fleet, assisted by D. D. Porter’s mortar fleet below, as well as Commodore
Davis’s vessels above that city, and Porter was impatient to share in the
enterprise, and test the power of his almost newly-built vessel.
The Essex is
certainly far too squatty and broad for beauty. Her casemates are higher than
those of any other gun-boat on the Western waters, and her hull is entirely
buried in the water. Her wheels are set in a recess at the stern, and on the
front part of her chimneys, near the top, are the letters S.X., one letter on
each. The pilot-house is very low, conical in shape, and admirably protected.
Since her engagement at Fort Henry she has been lengthened to forty feet, had
her boilers and machinery placed below water-line, and her casemates raised from
6½ to 17½ feet in height. She received entirely new boilers, and was generally
reconstructed. Altogether her cost to the government amounted to $91,000, which
is considerably less than that of any other gun-boat built in the West. The
armament on the boat is as follows: Three 9-inch Dahlgren guns, one 10-inch
Dahlgren shell gun, two 50-pound rifled Dahlgren guns, one long 32-pounder, and
one 24-pound howitzer. Her forward casemate is of wood, 30 inches thick, plated
with India-rubber one inch thick and ¾ inch iron. The roof is bomb-proof. The
pilot-house is of wood, 18 inches thick, plated with one inch India-rubber, and
1¾ inches iron. With false sides, no steam ram could attack her effectively.
She has 42 water-tight compartments, which would render her proof against
sinking. She is 205 feet in length, and 60 feet in width. Her hold is 5½ feet
in depth, and draws 6½ feet of water. She is provided with two engines, with
cylinders 23 inches in diameter, with 6 feet stroke. She has three boilers, 26
feet long and 42 inches in diameter, working two wheels 26 feet in diameter and
8 feet bucket, and has excellent and extensive accommodations for the comfort of
officers and crew. The following is a list of officers, with and according to
W. D. Porter, Commander
Robert R. K. Riley, First Master and
Executive Officer
D. P. Rosenmiller, J. Harry Wyatt, Matt. Snyder,
Spenser Kellogg, Acting Masters
Jos. H. Lewis, Paymaster
Thomas Rice, Surgeon
Joseph Heep, Chief Engineer
J. Wetzell, Second Assistant Engineer
Thomas Fletcher, Third Assistant Engineer
C. W. Long, Gunner
J. H. Mammon, E. H. Eagle, Boatswain’s
Thomas Steele, Carpenter
Officers and crew number 146, all told.
Orders were received in St. Louis on the 5th
July for the Essex to join the fleet
under Commodore Davis above Vicksburg, and on the 6th she left the
wharf of that city, arriving at Cairo on the 7th, and immediately
commenced taking in her ammunition and stores, which having completed on the 9th,
she on the evening of that day left, and, steaming down the Mississippi, arrived
at the anchorage ground of Davis’s fleet, above Vicksburg, on the 13th
July. Unfortunately, on her passage down the river, her port boiler burned out,
and fires had to be extinguished for repairs.
Our Union forces were found to be on the alert to learn
the whereabouts of the Confederate ram Arkansas, which had caused some degree of anxiety, for it was well
known that all that skill or money could command had been exhausted in building
and fitting out the most powerful and destructive naval vessel that had ever
been launched. When Memphis fell into our hands it was ascertained that she had,
a few days previously, been towed down the Mississippi, and, as was supposed, to
the Yazoo River, which, though narrow, is a deep stream, and admirably fitted
for the security of boats, where also means for her completion by the enemy were
readily accessible.
The Yazoo runs into the Mississippi River from the east
a few miles above the city of Vicksburg; and it was between the mouth of this
river and Vicksburg that our iron-clad Western squadron, including Colonel
Ellet’s steam-rams, lay at anchor; several of Admiral Farragut’s ships, that
had passed the forts some time previously from New Orleans, also were anchored
On the evening of the 14th, accompanied by
one of his officers, Porter went ashore on the point immediately opposite
Vicksburg, to reconnoiter the batteries of that city. On his reconnaissance he
took two enemy prisoners, who gave intimation that the ram was up the Yazoo, and
intended her advent to the Mississippi on the morrow. These prisoners were sent
to the Commander of the squadron on board the flag-ship Benton. This information confirmed the
Commander-in-chief in the previous supposition that the ram lay up the Yazoo,
and induced him, at dawn on the 15th, to send the gun-boats Tyler and Carondelet up that river to reconnoiter. At about 7a.m. heavy firing
was heard in that direction, and half an hour after the Tyler hove in sight, followed closely by
the Arkansas. The Carondelet had grounded and been disabled
by the enemy up the Yazoo. The Arkansas
continued her way through the fleet, very deliberately firing her guns, moving
at moderate speed, and apparently impregnable to the fire of the guns from the
Federal ships. She especially selected for her fire one of Colonel Ellet’s
vessels—the ram Lancaster—which in
a few minutes she disabled by the explosion of the boiler. The flag-ship Benton did not escape; and heavy damage
was received by several ships in the fleet. The Tyler and Carondelet were
severely crippled, and obliged to return to Cairo for repairs. The ram had
passed unscathed the broadsides of Farragut’s fleet and the fire of over
twenty vessels. Shot and shell struck her, but they fell as harmless from her
sides and deck as hail from the walls of a fortress. She politely sent some
rifled shot at the Essex, but with
little effect, which compliment was a courteously returned by a 32-pound steel
plug, which struck her stack, and a 10-inch shell, which exploded on her
quarter, with some damage, it was supposed. But the Essex could not follow, her boiler being
under repair, which prevented getting up steam.
An attack was made on the Arkansas on the evening of the same day by the combined fleets under
admiral Farragut and Commodore Davis, the ships belonging to the fleet from New
Orleans which had previously passed Vicksburg repassing the enemy’s forts to
their anchorage below that city, where lay the remaining portion of it, with
Commander D. D. Porter’s mortar-boats.
Desultory attacks were kept up from day to day on the
enemy’s defenses at Vicksburg by our fleets, as also the mortars above and
below the city, but without apparent effect, the enemy’s strength in battery
increasing rather than diminishing. The Arkansas
during this period lay alongside the wharf, either repairing or adding to her
defenses, and taking in munitions and stores.
On the 21st July, in consultation with
Flag-officers Farragut and Davis, Porter offered to attack the Arkansas at close quarters as she lay
under the batteries at Vicksburg. The proposition was acceded to, with the
understanding that Commodore Davis’s fleet was to attack the upper and Admiral
Farragut’s fleet the lower forts, to take from the Essex the otherwise too heavy fire of the enemy, if concentrated on
her alone.
Accordingly, the next morning, the 22nd, at
4 o’clock, Porter lifted anchor and steamed slowly down the river, passing
Davis’s fleet, which had previously weighed, before rounding the point above
Vicksburg. Turning the bend of the river which this point creates, he came
within range of the enemy’s upper batteries, which immediately opened on the Essex at about 1200 yards, pouring on her
a fire which in ten minutes would have sunk any other gun-boat on the Western
The moment had now arrived when the little Essex must sink or swim, and she had but
a short time to have her fate decided. While shot and shell were striking,
glancing, and exploding over her she steamed right up toward the water-batteries
on the Mississippi shore, under which the Arkansas lay moored, reserving the fire of her own guns for still
closer quarters.
To the spectator her approach toward her antagonist
must have appeared fearful and desperate. Battery after battery opened on her as
she advanced and made straight for the Arkansas,
upon whom she opened her forward battery of 9-inch guns, at about 10 yards
distance, the fire of which until then had been reserved, and attempted to run
her down; but just at that moment the Arkansas
let go her bow line, and the river current drifting her stem on, the Essex only grazed her side, and running
with considerable force into the river-bank her engines stopped.
For several minutes she sustained in this position, a
terrific fire from the water-batteries, mounting heavy siege guns. Several
pieces of field artillery were also lending their aid to sink the ship that had
the temerity to attack so closely. The Essex,
however, now floated just where her fire would do execution, and for some time
it was a duel of interest such as few have ever witnessed. The fire of the
enemy’s shore-batteries slackened, so close were the two vessels
together—the Arkansas with her
68-pounder rifles, the Essex with her
9-inch smooth-bore. Within six yards of the ram the Essex got her 9-inch battery to bear on
her antagonist, and almost simultaneously was the fire of those guns delivered,
raking her enemy and forcing up her iron plating as if it had been only so much
pine lumber. Above the deafening roar of the guns a yell of distress from the
crew of the Confederate ship told the anguish and confusion which the fire of
the Essex had caused.
Dropping down with the current she again became exposed
to the concentrated cannonades of the enemy’s forts, both upper and
lower—water and bluff batteries. Field artillery added their force to the
attack, and musketry missiles were literally poured on the devoted ship. For
some time she sustained this terrific fire, expecting the fleets both above and
below to engage the forts. The smoke prevented seeing whether assistance was
near or not; and as to hearing, that was out of the question. Presuming,
however, from the concentrated fire on his ship, that as yet the fleets had not
arrived, Porter drifted down the river, hugging the Mississippi shore to avoid
the fire of the bluff batteries, which could not then depress their guns in
angle to bear on the brave cruiser of the Father of Waters. It was thus
ascertained that the ships below had not moved from their anchorage, and that
the upper fleet was not in sight.
To remain unassisted under the fire of those batteries
would have been suicidal, and after waiting as long as prudence would allow,
Porter determined to run the gauntlet of the lower forts, although this act
compelled his ship to exposure for over two miles from the enemy’s fire.
Reluctantly indeed was the order given to steam down stream while our daring
enemy the Arkansas remained above
water. But there was no help for it. The Arkansas
was a far superior vessel, and, besides, he had to contend with over 100 siege
guns that could and were then playing on his ship. He had then been over an hour under fire
from not less than 120 guns of heavy caliber, which were belching forth on the
gallant Essex every conceivable missile known in the art of modern warfare,
either by land or sea. Yet she bore it bravely. The lower forts were
successively encountered, and though fearfully battered the Essex passed down the river safely.
Arriving at the anchorage ground of the lower fleet, shouts of congratulation
arose from the various crews of the ships lying there to welcome the dashing
steamer which had run the blockade. They appreciated, for they were
eye-witnesses of the desperate struggle although distant.
But the Essex
had yet her chief work to do. The plan was for the fleet below and the fleet
above to assail the Vicksburg forts while Porter with his Essex was to grapple with the ram; but for reasons not explained
this was not done, and the Essex had
to shirk for herself.
So completely had Porter fitted his craft for her hard
work that, with only two exceptions, no projectile leveled at her did material
damage. One, a shell, exploded in her side, tearing away her timbers, killing
one and wounding several of her crew; while the other, a rifled cannon conical
shot of 68 pounds, struck the port-quarter aft, penetrating and passing through
her iron casing, the executive officer’s cabin, where it demolished
everything, the ward-room, and wheel-house, and finally lodged in the starboard
side under the iron plating. The wheel-house and smoke stacks were riddled with
grape-shot, and shell explosions and indentations of cannon-shot of every
caliber were visible on the iron plating all over the vessel.
Vicksburg at this time was occupied by 16,000
Confederates under Van Dorn, and had over 100 siege guns in battery, commanding
the river for more than three miles. In fact, defenses had daily increased
during the whole time of bombardment, notwithstanding the heavy fire constantly
kept up on the city from upper and lower fleet and the mortars. At the end of
May, the time of the first attack by the Federal forces, the enemy had not
twenty siege guns in position. In fact, on the approach of Farragut’s ships
the town was abandoned by its inhabitants, and the military authorities were on
the point of surrendering the city, and would have done so, had a demand to that
effect been made. The occupation of Vicksburg at that time would have secured
the uninterrupted Federal navigation of the Mississippi, and one of the main
objects of this fearful war would have been accomplished. Now the prevailing
sickness (malarial fever) had so prostrated our troops under General Williams
that there remained scarcely one-third of the original number of the expedition
that could be relied on for duty—a force totally inadequate to storm, or even
hold the place if taken by the naval forces. Hence it was determined to raise
the siege; and on the 23rd and 24th the land forces of
this abortive expedition embarked and left for Baton Rouge; and Admiral
Farragut’s fleet for New Orleans.
Porter, separated from the upper fleet to which the Essex belonged, she being the only vessel
of that squadron save the Sumter, a
two-gun iron-clad steamer, below Vicksburg, hearing of the intended abandonment
of the object of the expedition on the 23rd, wrote Commodore Davis,
and in reply thereto received on the 24th orders to the effect, that
as all communication with him was cut off, to cruise between Vicksburg and Baton
Rouge, giving discretionary power to extend the cruising ground to New Orleans,
provided necessary supplies could not be obtained at the latter place; and to
make that city his head-quarters. On the evening of the same day, General
Williams’s forces having all embarked, the transports proceeded down the
Mississippi, followed by the mortar fleet and Admiral Farragut’s war ships;
the Essex by desire bringing up and
guarding the rear against the anticipated attack from the Arkansas, at about
four miles’ distant. This plan was carried out until the arrival off Baton
Rouge on the 26th July.
Some little time was now used for getting the battered
ship ready for her grand business—to meet the Arkansas and “sink something.”
On the 5th of August, at half past 3a.m.,
the Essex, from her anchorage above
the arsenal, heard firing in the direction of the outposts of our army at Baton
Rouge. At six o’clock on the same morning an aid-de-camp from the commanding
officer hailed the Essex, reporting
General Williams killed, and our left wing falling back on the town, unable to
hold the ground, and begging Porter to open his large guns on the advancing
enemy, who already occupied the cemetery attached to the Penitentiary at the
head of the town, with some of the buildings. Porter’s guns opened in a few
minutes, and the enemy’s position was, by half past 10 o’clock, rendered
untenable, and he retreated just as he was on the point of laying Baton Rouge in
ashes. But while the Essex was thus
closing this little but memorable action a heavy column of smoke up the river
gave Porter notice of the approach of his old antagonist. The ram was coming
down to “sink the Essex” and
“blow the Yankees out of New Orleans.”
On the night of the 5th the Essex kept a bright look-out.
Breckenridge had demanded the surrender of Baton Rouge at 6 o’clock, and
although the ram had not yet come in sight she was doubtless awaiting the result
of that demand before coming nearer.
About daylight, the ram not having come in sight,
Porter determined to find her. He started his vessel up the river at 8 o’clock
a.m. Rounding Nigger Point an hour and a half after, and when within a short
distance of her, the ram opened with her heaviest guns. The shot just cleared
the Essex aft. Porter steamed up a
quarter of a mile further, when he opened his 9-inch bow guns. After about ten
minutes’ fire a shell from the Essex
entered her after-starboard port, and another shot struck her rudder and
disabled her maneuvering power. The Essex,
wanting closer work, steamed up, firing rapidly from her bow-guns till within a
quarter of a mile, when every shot struck with dead certainty. Suddenly the ram
made for the shore. As the smoke of the Essex
cleared away Porter saw that the terrible Arkansas
was on fire, and on reaching shoal water her crew were escaping for their lives.
Porter’s shells were too well aimed, they were irresistible—they had put the
vessel into an inextinguishable blaze. The desperate crew—all picked men from
the desperate cohorts of the Southern Confederacy—could not put that fire out,
and they worked at it till the last moment with the energy of despair. But the
flames would not be quenched. The most daring lingered on the deck, or around
the sides of the splendid stronghold crusader of the Confederacy of the South,
till they had to plunge into the water to escape the fiery vengeance of a
swifter and more terrible destruction.
The abandoned floating castle of secession, upon which
all the wealth and genius of modern naval warfare had been exhausted, slowly
swung from her mud anchorage and drifted out into that irresistible tide which
gathers its tributes of a million streams from the frozen and temperate zones,
to empty them into the torrid bosom of the grand continental gulf. No living
soul was on her iron-clad deck—no heart, even in dying, palpitated inside of
her iron walls. Down on the bosom of that continent-piercing river the dark form
of the rebel ram Arkansas floated as
helpless as a child. as she lit up her desperate passage to destruction the
officers and crew of the sturdy and victorious Essex counted numerous shot-holes in her.
About four miles above Baton Rouge the fire, kindled by the shells of the Essex, reached her magazine of 18,000
pounds of powder, and she blew up with an explosion which sent the news of her
destruction far and wide over the great Valley of the Mississippi. The Essex turned downstream and sailed over
her wreck. Such was the fate of the ill-starred Arkansas.[9]
Baton Rouge with its army of occupation was safe, ad
New Orleans breathed freely again. All glory to the Essex and her brave crew and commander!
There has been much misapprehension as to this naval
duel. Reports were circulated that the whole Federal fleet off Baton Rouge
attacked the Arkansas. This was not
so. On the morning of the 6th August Breckinridge with 15,000
Confederates were about five miles from that city, ready to attack our land, on
the Arkansas engaging the naval force, which she was well able to cope with from
her vast superiority over the Federal ships. The fleet off the city consisted of
the Essex, Cayuga, Kineo, Katahdin, and Sumter; the Cayuga was ordered, by Porter, to assist in the attack and keep
close up, which she complied with until the Arkansas opened fire on the Essex, immediately on which she put her
helm up and ran back, leaving the Essex
alone. The Kineo and Katahdin, wooden gun-boats, had been left
at Baton Rouge by Admiral Farragut on account of the machinery of these vessels
being unfit for sea service; for this reason they could not be relied on to
attack an iron-clad ship like the Arkansas,
even if their absence from before Baton Rouge could have been allowed. They were
more vulnerable off that city as stationary batteries, and, with the Sumter, were left to act in concert with
our army in repelling the force under Breckinridge which had so nearly defeated
our troops the day previously.
It is worthy of remark that Porter had previously urged
on the General commanding at Baton Rouge, as also the Department of the Gulf,
the necessity of immediate fortification of that city, as also the probability
of a near attack; his representations, however, were not considered, and the
very idea of Confederate attack on our forces ignored. This attack had convinced
the military authorities, however, of the truth of Porter’s suggestion, and,
though late, the proposed fortifications were commenced to protect the city and
entrench our land forces.
The Essex
having received necessary repairs and taken on board the stores she could obtain
at Baton Rouge, she steamed up the river, on the 9th August, to
procure coal at Bayou Sara—a town on the Mississippi about thirty miles
above—arriving off that place on the morning of the 10th. The
presence of the Essex caused some
commotion among the inhabitants, as considerable supplies of subsistence stores,
just brought across the river from West Louisiana, were on the levee awaiting
transportation to the Confederate forces in the interior under Generals Ruggles
and Breckinridge. This town is a terminus of a railroad running from the State
of Mississippi and Northeastern Louisiana, and prior to the war carried on a
very important trade with the interior. The Mayor was sent for, who came on
board, and an arrangement was made that personal safety of the inhabitants
should be guaranteed and personal property respected as long as there was
reciprocity toward Federals observed; that coal laying at the wharf at the Bayou
must be supplied to the Essex, being
contraband of war and not private property; and the immediate delivery to the Essex of all Federal prisoners held by
the municipal authorities. It had been ascertained that some Union men had been
imprisoned in the town who were demanded, and an officer being sent on shore
they were delivered to him and taken on board the Essex. Coal, as contraband of war, was taken possession of by
Porter, and notice given the Mayor that he would be held responsible if its
destruction were allowed. The Essex
remained off this town until the 14th, when she was joined by the Sumter, United States steam-ram, and on
the 15th the Essex returned
to Baton Rouge.
The gun-boat Sumter
was left anchored off the town of Bayou Sara to protect the captured stores, for
which as yet transportation could not be secured. This protection was necessary,
as there were indications of desire on the part of the municipal authorities to
break the amicable arrangement made with the Mayor. Threats against the lives of
Union men had been made, which led to Porter’s writing strongly, expostulating
with them, and insisting on rigid faith being kept. Considerable excitement
existed at this time among the inhabitants of towns on the Lower Mississippi, in
consequence of outrages constantly being committed by the troops in occupation
of Baton Rouge on the Confederate population. Porter’s return to Baton Rouge
on the 15th had for its object conference with the commandant of that
post, and to enter his protest against the continuance of such irregularities.
The gun-boat Sumter,
left at Bayou Sara on the 14th, had unfortunately grounded, and,
fearing attack from the enemy, been abandoned by her officers and crew. The Essex hastily returned to that place on
the 16th, but too late to prevent the destruction of the Sumter, which had been fired by the
citizens. They had also, contrary to agreement, shot at and wounded Union men
residing there, and grossly maltreated all politically opposed to them, of
whatever sex. The stores also which the Sumter had been left to protect had been
Information had been communicated to Porter of the
intended abandonment by the Federal troops of the city of Baton Rouge, and also
of the intention of the Confederates to fortify Port Hudson, situated about 140
miles above New Orleans. He at once communicated with Colonel Paine, then in
command at Baton Rouge, urging him to delay his intended evacuation of that
city, as also to the commander at New Orleans, earnestly asking for gun-boats to
prevent the erection of batteries at Port Hudson, and enable him to cut off the
supplies sent from Texas and the Valley of the Red River to the enemy on the
east side of the Mississippi.
Porter again brought the Essex to Baton Rouge to personally urge this request; but
notwithstanding his entreaty the evacuation was continued, and no result came in
the shape of additional gun-boats, or at the present moment the country would
not have the conviction forced on it that there existed on the Mississippi a
stronger fort than Vicksburg, which, to give free navigation to that glorious
river, can be gained only by fearful sacrifice of life and treasure.. A gun-boat
stationed at Port Hudson would have effectually prevented the erection of the
present formidable batteries. The same urgent attention was called to this point
by Porter, from the navy Department, under date 20th August, 1862, on
which day was completed the entire abandonment of Baton Rouge by our troops,
leaving that city in undisputed possession of the guerilla bands that infested
the whole of the district—enemies alike to Federal or Confederate. Few indeed
of the inhabitants of that unfortunate city waited the advent of those pests of
humanity, who assert the “black flag” as their flag, and “plunder and
murder” for their motto.
The Essex
remained off this deserted city until the 23rd August, when, lifting
anchor, she steamed up the river to procure coal at Bayou Sara, the only place
then known where any could be obtained. But on arrival there it was found that
the greater portion of it had been burned, contrary to express stipulation with
the Mayor of that town. On the morning of the 24th a boat’s crew
was sent ashore to see if any fuel could be saved, as also to ascertain if any
of the inhabitants remained—which seemed doubtful from the deserted appearance
of the place. Deserted of its peaceful people truly it was, but not so by the
ubiquitous guerillas. A heavy musketry fire was poured on the officers and men
from the Essex as they advanced toward
the center of the town from the buildings which were turned into places of
concealment, compelling the boat’s crew to retreat toward the shore under
cover of the guns of their vessel which opened on the enemy with shell, and soon
led to the abandonment of their position. To avoid repetition of attack the
houses on the levee, near which there was fuel, were burned to prevent such
being used for cover by the enemy while the Essex’s men were removing the coal. A
large number of the enemy had concentrated at Saint Francisville, a suburb of
Bayou Sara, who were shelled and dispersed. This place appeared the center of a
body of guerillas that constantly sent their bands through the woods, which at
this place ran down to the river bank, to fire at any person they could see on
the deck of the Essex, keeping the worn-out crew ever anxiously alert.
The Essex
steamed downstream on the 26th, and came to anchor off Port Hudson to
reconnoiter reported batteries in progress. No effectual reconnaissance could be
made, as the small number of men left on board for duty prevented hazarding a
force on shore for such a purpose. A company of soldiers to act in that capacity
would have proved invaluable. Earth-works were seen which brought on them the
fire of the Essex and their consequent
destruction. Unfortunately, in cannonading these earth-works the 10-inch pivot
gun of the Essex burst. She remained
off this port keeping up a desultory fire on the position supposed to have
masked batteries, and shelling the woods, until the 28th, when she
again returned to Bayou Sara for the small amount of coal left at that place.
At dawn on the morning of the19th an armed
boat’s crew was sent to bring off this fuel, when it was again attacked by the
guerillas from the Market-house and buildings remaining. The officer in charge
returned the attack, drove the enemy out of the Market-house, which he burnt, as
well as what buildings were left of the town. The fuel left uninjured was
brought on board, and leaving the site of this treacherous town, the Essex weighed anchor and steamed upstream
for the mouth of the Red River.
Porter intended going up this tributary of the
Mississippi, but was unable to do so, the low stage of water at its mouth
preventing the Essex from passing the
bar. A boat was sent up, however, a short distance, and information confirmed
that large supplies of cattle, salt, cotton, etc., were being constantly brought
down for the enemy east of the Mississippi River. Intelligence was also obtained
that two transports laden with these commodities, and convoyed by a Confederate
gun-boat, had the previous day steamed up for Natchez.
Losing no time, the Essex started in pursuit, and arriving off the city of Natchez
anchored on the 1st September. The enemy had anticipated her untiring
antagonist, however, for transports and gun-boat had cleared out—without doubt
seeking protection under the guns at Vicksburg. Fuel was all but exhausted, but
fortunately there was found a good supply at Vidalia, a town situated on the
west bank of the Mississippi, immediately opposite Natchez. The Mayor was
apprised that, as being contraband of war, the coal would be confiscated for the
use of United States vessels. Exception was taken to this confiscation on the
ground that it was the property of private individuals; but this could not be
proved, and hence not allowed. It was absolutely necessary to have fuel, and
sufficient for the wants of the Essex was at once taken possession of.
Having completed coaling by 2p.m. on the 2nd
September, prior to leaving Porter sent ashore to procure ice for his sick and
wounded men, which were many; and also a letter to be delivered to the Mayor. Up
to this time courtesy had existed between the citizens of Natchez and the
Federals of the gun-boat. The men sent from the Essex having obtained the ice required, and on the point of
returning to their boat, which lay alongside the wharf, were suddenly attacked
by over two hundred citizens armed with muskets. One seaman was instantly
killed; and the officer in charge, with five seamen, wounded. No provocation had
been given, nor had anything occurred to lead to the supposition of intended
attack. The outrage was wanton. The wounded crew hastened to their boat, while
the Essex opened her guns without
delay on the treacherous city, and continued the bombardment for an hour and
twenty minutes—a severe retribution, though richly deserved. Throughout this
bombardment a heavy musketry fire was kept up by the enemy, which literally
swept the decks of the Essex.
Some have condemned the bombardment of this city, on
the ground that time was not allowed for the helpless to leave the place; but
the responsibility rests with the attacking party. Porter could not see his men
murdered and have preventive power in his hands. The attack was evidently
premeditated, as was proved by the number of armed men who kept constant fire on
his vessel. The Mayor, by raising a flag of truce, could have stopped the fire
of the Essex at any moment. If, there,
the weaker inhabitants suffered by the bombardment, the odium and cruelty rests
on the authorities; and punishment for injuries done should be visited on those
whose murderously attacked the boat’s crew of Essex.
During the bombardment of Natchez another misfortune
befell the armament of the Essex by
the explosion of one of her 9-inch forward guns.
Porter was anxious to push on up the river; so, leaving
the arrangement of peace or more extended punishment for Natchez to a future
visit, he steamed toward Vicksburg to find, if possible, the supply transports
and gun-boat which were supposed to have taken refuge there. The Essex arrived about five miles below that
city on the morning of the 5th, and discovered the Confederate
vessels lying snugly under the batteries and alongside the wharf. Steaming on
toward our old fighting-ground, it was soon found that, since leaving on the 24th
July, great additions had been made to that strong-hold. At that part of the
river, where, in July, Farragut’s fleet had rested quietly at anchor, two
batteries abreast and one to her rear opened on the Essex. The ridge that extends from the southern extremity of
Vicksburg, parallel to and distant from the Mississippi about 1000 yards, may be
called one continual battery, which will sweep the whole of the river and any
ships advancing from the south for over give miles. Though not seen by Porter,
yet information received led him to believe the upper or northern defenses were
strengthened in equal ratio by our indefatigable enemy.
It had been ascertained that Commodore Davis’s fleet
had left the vicinity of Vicksburg, and was then either at Helena or Memphis;
and to attempt to run the gauntlet of those forts, up stream, when no friendly
fleet was near to assist in the event of being disabled, was thought imprudent.
One officer and thirty men were all that could be mustered for duty. For some
time previously “contrabands,” left destitute by their masters and taken on
board, had been trained to work the guns to take place of a number of crew
disabled or prostrated by sickness. The armament of the Essex was weakened by the bursting of two of the heaviest guns,
provisions had been exhausted for a week, and a daily forage on shore was
requisite for our necessities; added to this was the important fact that
ammunition was short.
Under such circumstances Porter determined to exercise
the discretionary power given by the commander of the Western flotilla to go to
New Orleans to obtain ammunition, ship stores, and have general renovation. He
had also left that important point, Port Hudson, for some day, and was desirous
of obtaining better knowledge of its reputed strength. After two hours’
desultory fight with the batteries below Vicksburg from her rifled 50-pounders,
which scarcity of ammunition prevented liberality with, the Essex was put head down stream, and
arrived off Natchez on the morning of the 6th.
A letter was immediately dispatched to the Mayor,
calling for the instant surrender of the city. Shortly after, three citizens,
appointed by the municipal authorities to treat on the subject, were sent on
board, and an arrangement was agreed on to the effect:
1. That the city of Natchez surrenders to the United
States naval force before it, and that in future all citizens of Natchez will
hold the flag of the United States sacred from attack, they promising protection
to all Federal citizens, soldiers, or sailors who may land, with freedom for
traffic and intercourse. 2. That all the coal now at Vidalia (a town on the
opposite bank of the river to Natchez) be considered property belonging to the
Government of the United States, to be, by the authorities of the city of
Natchez, preserved for the use of United States vessels. 3. Should this second
clause be deviated from, the city to be levied on for the value of the coal. 4.
These conditions being observed inviolate by the city of Natchez, all property
and persons of that city to always have the protection of the United States
Leaving Natchez the Essex continued her way down the river, clearing ship for action at
3:30 a.m. on the 7th September, on her approach to Port Hudson, where
an attack from the enemy was expected. At 4:15 a.m. the Essex, then about 1500 yards from the
town, came within range of the enemy’s first or upper battery, the guns of
which opened on the gallant vessel with tremendous vigor, sending their 10, 9,
and 8 inch shot, some of which were from rifled cannon, with great precision.
Hard and sharp the Essex returned the
fire, advancing nearer and nearer to this first fort, when a second and almost
immediately a third, battery opened on the devoted ship. Battery No. 2, or the
central, as it may be termed, is situated in the extreme bend of the river,
which there is scarcely in width 500 yards across, and the channel running close
to the bank compelled the Essex to run
within 30 yards of the battery, at the same time having to receive the
cross-fire from the other two batteries. Steadily, however, she went on, the
shot crashing against her sides, and shell exploding in every direction, and
vigorously pouring on the Confederate forts the fire of her forward and aft
guns, damaging at every shot, until the second battery was partially destroyed.
The firing of the enemy was good—far better than at Vicksburg. A 10 and 9
inch, as also a 32-pounder solid shot, struck the Essex within a square of 10 feet almost
simultaneously, the concussion sending in the 24-inch wood-work as if it were of
the most fragile character, shattering the iron and rubber, though no shot
penetrated the ship’s side. For an hour and twenty-five minutes the brave
little craft continued this fight against from thirty-five to forty guns, until
her ammunition, previously low, was exhausted. She then dropped down the river
slowly out of range, and continued under way to New Orleans, off which city she
arrived and anchored on the evening of the 7th September.
Port Hudson is a small village on the eastern bank of
the Mississippi, about fifty miles below the mouth of the Red River. The bluffs
rise full 60 feet above the high water level of the river, and command either
approach to the narrowest part of the stream from Vicksburg to New Orleans.
These bluffs are fortified, having 120-pounder, 68-pounder, and other siege guns
in battery, while the plateau at the base and either approach to these heights,
have heavy batteries with siege guns of similar caliber. The river here is so
narrow that the sinking of an ordinary vessel, such as usually navigates the
Western waters, would effectually block the channel. The rear of these batteries
is well protected, and a land force would find serious impediment to approach,
in the numberless creeks, bayous, and swamps that protect the position. Indeed
no point could have been chosen on the Mississippi that has such great natural
advantages for defense on the land or water side, and for offense against
shipping navigating the river; it is a fort more formidable than Vicksburg. It
is also a considerable depot for the reception of cattle from Texas, sugar from
West Louisiana, and now of salt from the red River; supplies of which are sent
by the railroad from thence to the Amite River, and then transported to the
interior of the States of Mississippi and Alabama. Camp Moore, the great
rendezvous of the Confederates for military instruction, receives most of its
supplies from this point. The Confederates holding Vicksburg north, and Port
Hudson south, on the Mississippi, thus secure for themselves the free navigation
of the river between these points, as also the valley of the Red River entirely.
This is the most fertile part of the great Southwest; and its products have
given food, vigor, and articles of commerce to the Southern States, creating
means for continuing the present fearful contest far longer than is generally
The Essex was
severely damaged in the Port Hudson fight, and heavy repairs were found
necessary. Her scalded, battered, and sick crew wanted rest. Two months’
exposure to an almost tropical sun, and the heated atmosphere that cannot be
avoided on a close iron-clad gunboat, had effectually shown its prostrating
power. Out of a crew of one hundred and forty-six, that on the 6th of
July left St. Louis in health, there remained but thirty-four for duty on the 7th
of September.
The officers and crew of the Essex behaved so gallantly through all that crusade of unsleeping
vigils and desperate struggles, by night and day, for months together, that they
can never be praised enough. It will be enough for them to say, hereafter, in
“the piping times of peace” which are sure to come after the sovereignty and
glory of our vindicated republic are fully acknowledged, that “I was with
porter on the Essex.” It would be
wrong, however, to omit one name here; for he was an Englishman then
Acting-Master, a complete officer through all that crusade, who was always at
the right place at the right time, and by his great skill and heroism earned no
small share of the glory with which the Essex
has covered herself forever. The writer refers, without the knowledge of any
other person, to Mr. Harry Wyatt, who, with his heart in our cause, has
generously given, as a volunteer, nearly two of the best years of his life to
sustain the supremacy of our republic. He may well say, that, after pointing the
guns of the Essex which sunk the ram
Arkansas, he has not lived in vain.
Porter, on his arrival at New Orleans, found that the
government had recognized his brave acts, notwithstanding the unfair action of a
naval advisory board, which had omitted his name for promotion, and that the
president had ordered him, for distinguished service, to be promoted to the rank
of Commodore—a compliment as graciously and generously awarded as highly
Subsequent History
Essex, with
the Mortilla, took part in the
bombardment and capture of Port Hudson from 8 May until 8 July 1863. The
following day she engaged Confederate forces at Donaldsonville; although damaged
in that battle Essex continued her
patrol duties through 6 March 1864, at which time she took part in the Red River
Campaign. On 17 April 1864 she sailed for Vicksburg and then to Memphis, where
she remained for the rest of the war. Porter was promoted to Commodore in
recognition of his achievements, but was detached from the Essex in September 1863; he died on 1 May
1864. USS William D. Porter (DD-579), 1943-1945, was named in honor of
him. Essex was decommissioned at Mound
City, Ill., on 20 July 1865, and sold on 29 November 1865. After her sale to
private interests in November of that year, she reverted to the name New Era.
She was scrapped in 1870. Essex well
deserved her reputation as one of the most powerful and effective gunboats on the
Mississippi River.
The Gunboat Essex, by C. E. Lester,
Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, No. CLIIL, February 1863, Vol. XXVI, at Cornell
University’s “The Making of America” (
The Ironclad Gunboat, Essex at the Missouri
Civil War Museum’s website
USS Essex (1856)
at Wikipedia
Commodore William D. Porter at the Naval Historical Center website at at
Ironclads and Blockade Runners of the Civil War at
The Iron Captains at[1] William David Porter, son of Commodore David Porter and elder brother of Admiral David Dixon Porter, was born in New Orleans, Louisiana on 10 March 1808. He entered the Navy as a Midshipman in January 1823 and attained the rank of Lieutenant at the end of 1833. He was retired in September 1855, but was later reinstated on active duty with the rank of Commander. When the Civil War broke out in 1861, he was commanding the sloop of war USS Saint Mary's. (Naval Historical Center)
[2] The ship was purchased on 20 September 1861 by the U.S. Army for its Western Gunboat Flotilla--an organization maintained, operated, and controlled by the Army but commanded by A.H. Foote, a naval officer. She was modified into a 355-ton "timberclad" gunboat, and retained the name New Era until after the expedition up the Cumberland River. The entire Western Flotilla, including Essex, was turned over to the Navy on 1 October 1862 and thereafter was named the Mississippi Squadron.
[3] USS Essex was constructed in 1856 at New
Albany, Indiana as a steam powered ferry named New Era.
[4] Porter upgraded his ship without official authorization. He renamed her Essex, after his father's old ship of the War of 1812. After the gunboat was damaged in action with Fort Henry, Tennessee, in February 1862, Porter had the ship virtually rebuilt.
[5] Specifications actually as follows: Displacement: 640 tons, length: 250 feet, beam: 60 feet, draft: 6 feet, crew: 134, speed: 5.5 knots.
[6] 11 January, 1862.
[7] The Missouri Civil War Museum website claims forty men killed and wounded.
[8] Her refit into a full ironclad took place in the yards of James B. Eads of St. Louis.
[9] While dramatic reading, this description of the second battle between the Essex and the Arkansas was penned in the middle of the war. Later research showed turned up the familiar story of mechanical failure that doomed so many Confederate ironclads. Essex did destroy the enemy vessel—whose crew abandoned her when unable to maneuver the ship.